

The main objective of the 3Smart project (Smart Building-Smart Grid-Smart City) is to provide a technological and legislative setup for cross-spanning energy management of buildings, energy grids and major city infrastructures in the Danube region. It will provide economically optimal interoperation of energy efficiency measures and renewable energy sources in buildings, initiated installation of distributed storages to improve energy security in the Danube region and high share of renewable energy in the energy mix.

The modular 3Smart energy management tool put in place in 5 pilots in 5 different countries of the Danube region:
  • UNIZGFER and HEP buildings in Zagreb, (HR)
  • School and sports hall in Idrija, (SI)
  • School and care retirement home in Strem, (AT)
  • EPHZHB headquarter building in Mostar, (BA)
  • EON headquarter building in Debrecen, (HU)
Programme co-funded by the European Union funds (ERDF, IPA), through Interreg Danube Transnational Programme.
Objectives of project:
  • Enable energy management between buildings and distribution grids
  • Demonstrate effectiveness and feasibility of modular energy management
  • Enable take-up of the platform in buildings, grids and infrastructures
Project Budget: 3.791.343,41 EUR.
Start data 01. 01. 2017 and end date 30. 06. 2019  
Partners: University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (Lead Partner), Hrvatska elektroprivreda d.d. (HR), E3, ENERGETIKA, EKOLOGIJA, EKONOMIJA, d.o.o.  Municipality Idrija, Elektro Primorska d.d. (SI), European Centre for Renewable Energy Güssing Ltd., Municipality of Strem, Energy Güssing Ltd. (AT), University of Debrecen, E.ON Tiszántúli Áramhálózati Zrt. (HU), University of Belgrade Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (RS), JP Elektroprivreda Hrvatske Zajednice Herceg Bosne, University of Mostar Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computing (BA)
Associated Strategic Partners: Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency (HR), Goriška Local Energy Agency, Jožef Stefan Institute (SI), Regulatory Commission for Energy in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (HU)