EU Projects consultancy

EU Projects consultancy

HEP ESCO is an adequate partner for the development and implementation of projects financed by EU funds in the field of energy services, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. In view of its expertise and experience, its strongest capacity is in preparation of a quality application of such projects to relevant EU funds, in line with strategic guidelines.
In cooperation with the HEP group, HEP ESCO can provide a quality partnership particularly for those projects that require testing of new technologies and new business models in implementing energy efficiency projects.

Reference projects:

SocialWatt  HORIZON 2020 (2019 - 2023) - the project aims to help EU countries develop, test and adopt innovative energy poverty alleviation programs across Europe.
TOUREST  Interreg ADRION (2018 - 2020) - the strategic goal of the project is to support sustainable tourism development through systematic management of water resources in the Adriatic-Ionian region and the promotion and valuation of natural and cultural heritage through economic growth.

FEEDSCHOOLS – Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE (2017 – 2020) – the aim of the project is to propose optimal financing models for energy efficiency projects, harmonization of nZEB standards among EU members and calculation of CO2 emissions after reconstruction.

TEESCHOOLS  Interreg MED (2017 – 2020) – the project aims to support local authorities in implementing energy efficiency measures that would bring schools in the Mediterranean region up to nZEB standards.

3Smart – Interreg DANUBE (2017 – 2019) – the aim of the project is energy management in business buildings in the Danube region and their interaction with smart distribution networks.

A2PBEER  – FP7 (2013 - 2017) – a project in which the renovation of public buildings is approached by integrating affordable and adaptable innovative technologies with energy efficient solutions.

SUNSHINE – CIP-ICT (2013 - 2016) – Smart UrbaN ServIces for Higher eNergy Efficiency – the project aims to increase the use of heat produced from biomass and solar energy in the public and private sectors.

TRAP-EE  LLP (2013 - 2015) – the aim of the project is to train people responsible for building maintenance on the implementation of energy efficiency measures.

PERMANENT  CIP-IEE (2009 - 2011) –  the main goal of the project is to contribute to the popularization and acceptance of the measurement and verification of savings and to encourage a general understanding of energy savings.

BioSolESCO  CIP-IEE (2008 - 2011) – the project focuses on energy services and ESCO companies in order to increase the use of biomass and solar energy for heating larger buildings in the private and public sectors.

GreenBuildingPlus  CIP-IEE (2005 - 2007) – the project actively promotes the results of energy efficiency projects in buildings.