In addition to energy fuel supply, HEP Opskrba also offers increasingly complex and modern energy services to its customers.
In cooperation with HEP ESCO, we offer to our business customers not only electricity supply but also two packages of the
Benefit Programme energy services without the fee.
Depending on the annual electricity consumption* and the HEP Opskrba contract duration, the package is agreed upon contract conclusion.
By introducing a systematic approach to energy management as well as through energy efficiency measure implementation projects, we assist our customers in recognizing and achieving their energy savings potentials!
*According to their total annual consumption, we have categorized our customers in four groups: the Customer in Segment 1 with the annual consumption exceeding 15 GWh, Customers with annual consumption ranging from 10-15 GWh in Segment 2, the Customer whose consumption is from 5-10 GWh in Segment 3, and Segment 4 includes Customers whose annual consumption ranges from 2-5 GWh.