Balancing energy – energy imbalance between actual electricity production or delivery and those scheduled; the difference between the actual amount and the amount in the contractual schedule is charged by the accounting period of balancing (one hour) for every balance responsible entity.
Billing period – a time period to which the billing for actual consumption of electrical energy and power is related.
Bilateral Schedule – means electricity supply and/or off-take hourly plan for the Delivery Day, made on the basis of contracts between two market participants.
Cogeneration – simultaneous production of electricity and heat in a single process.
Contractual Schedule – means the schedule for the Delivery Day which contains one or more Bilateral Schedules.
Electric network – a network for supply of electricity – a set of interconnected network units for transmission and/or distribution of electricity.
Electricity customer – a legal or physical person which buys electricity.
Electricity customer – any customer who has been granted this status under the law and who can freely choose from whom they will purchase energy.
Energy undertaking – a legal or physical person which carries out one or more energy activities.
Load curve – a set of average 15-minute load values.
Metering point – a point in the network at which electricity parameters are measured by meters and other metering equipment for billing purposes.
Public service – a service available at all times to all customers and energy undertakings at regulated prices and according to regulated conditions of access and use, and which is subject to public scrutiny and supervision by authorities stipulated by law.
Status of eligible customer –the status granted to any customer as from July 1, 2008 or connected directly to the transmission or distribution network who negotiates with the supplier all conditions of supply, from prices to payment terms, payment security, etc.
Supplier – an energy undertaking which carries out the energy activity of electricity supply and which purchases electricity from a producer or trader and sells it to customers.
Use of network – a service provided to a network user by the transmission system operator and/or distribution system operator which allows electricity flow in the transmission and/or distribution network and use of system services.
User of electric network – a physical and legal person which delivers electricity into the transmission or distribution network (producer) or takes electricity therefrom (customer) or uses the network for electricity flow (trader).