The Supervisory Board of Hrvatska Elektroprivreda d.d. at its meeting held on September 25, carried out the Proposal and Conclusions of the Government of the Republic of Croatia dated September 22, 2009, concerning changes in the Supervisory Board and Management Board of HEP d.d.
The meeting noted the information on the resignation of the chairman of the Supervisory Board of HEP d.d., Leo Begović, submitted on September 22, and, accepting the Government’s Proposal, appointed Krešimir Ćosić, until then deputy chairman of the Supervisory Board, as the chairman of the Supervisory Board. Based on the Government’s Conclusions of September 22, the Supervisory Board adopted Decision to recall from office the president of the Management Board Ivan Mravak and members: Željko Kljaković-Gašpić, Darko Dvornik, Nikola Rukavina, Željko Tomšić and Sjepan Tvrdinić. Also, based on the Government’s Decision of September 22, the Supervisory Board adopted decision to appoint Leo Begović as the president of the Management Board of Hrvatska Elektroprivreda d.d., for a four-year term. The Decisions came into force on the date of adoption, i.e. September 25, 2009.