HEP Group Companies

HEP Group Companies

HEP d.d. (Hrvatska elektroprivreda d.d.) is the parent company of HEP Group, wholly owned by the state, the founder and sole (100%) owner of the subsidiary companies; it consolidates the management of HEP Group subsidiaries and is the owner of the assets which are contractually transferred to subsidiaries or daughter companies for management.


HEP-Proizvodnja d.o.o. (HEP Generation) carries out the activity of electricity generation and heat production for district heating systems in the cities of Zagreb, Osijek and Sisak. Also, it is a founder of CS Buško blato d.o.o. and the only company board member of HEP-VHS Zaprešić d.o.o.
HEP-Operator distribucijskog sustava d.o.o. (HEP DSO) has a task of safe supply to customers. The company conducts the distribution of electricity taken from the transmission network as well as selling, metering, billing and payment collection of delivered electricity. It is also responsible for the maintenance and operation of the distribution network and plants. HEP DSO is a founder of HEP Nastavno-obrazovni centar, (HEP Education and Training Centre) which conducts programs for secondary education of adults, organizes professional consulting, education and training as well as professional live work training.

HEP Elektra d.o.o. is the only energy entity authorized for the provision of the public service of electricity supply in Croatia, which means it has the obligation to provide the public service of supply as the universal service for household customers and to provide the public service of supply carried out as guaranteed service for other customers.

HEP-Opskrba d.o.o. (HEP Supply)  has been registered to supply electricity, heat energy and gas. On the market in the Republic of Slovenia it operates through a subsidiary HEP Energija d.o.o. Ljubljana.
HEP-Trgovina d.o.o. (HEP Trade) carries out the purchase and sale of electricity and gas, the optimization of power plants’ operation and trading intermediation on the domestic and international market, owning companies abroadHEP Energija d.o.o. Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina), HEP Energija d.o.o. Beograd (Serbia) and HEP Energjia sh.p.k. Priština (Kosovo). 
HEP-Toplinarstvo d.o.o. (HEP District Heating) deals with generation, distribution and supply of heat energy and it works in Zagreb, Zaprešić, Samobor, Velika Gorica, Osijek and Sisak. It has been registered as a heat energy buyer.

HEP-Plin d.o.o., (HEP Gas) headquartered in Osijek, conducts the activity of natural gas distribution and supply to customers.

HEP ESCO d.o.o. is a company which provides energy services and develops, implements and finances market-based projects of energy efficiency.
HEP-Upravljanje imovinom d.o.o.. (HEP Asset Management)  is responsible for managing non-operating assets of HEP Group and the provision of tourism activities.
Plomin Holding d.o.o. develops local infrastructure and entrepreneurial projects near TPP Plomin. Also, it is a founder of SUNČANA ELEKTRANA POREČ d.o.o.
HEP-Telekomunikacije d.o.o. (HEP Telecommunications),  provides telecommunication support to HEP Group’s business operations.

Energetski park Korlat d.o.o. is the project company responsible for the delivery of the Korlat Wind and Solar Farm Project.


NE Krško d.o.o.  (Nuclear Powr Plant Krško) the Republic of Slovenia is co-owned by HEP d.d. and GEN Energy.

LNG CROATIA LLC performs regulated energy activity of managing the LNG terminal and is responsible for the operation, maintenance, and development of LNG terminal.


Hrvatski operator prijenosnog sustava d.d. (Croatian TSO) has been unbundled from HEP Group in line with the Electricity Market Act, according to the ITO (Independent Transmission Operator) model.