On Thursday, December 6, the employees of Plomin TPP achieved on Unit 1 the best production result in the 38 year history of this thermal power plant.
Plomin 1 has already generated 700 GWh of electricity this year, operating for 7,000 hours. By the end of the year this record will be even higher and the ambitious production plan of 750 GWh of electricity and 7,500 operating hours is likely to be exceeded. This amazing business result with plants nearing the end of useful life comes as a result of the investments made to adjust and modernize the Unit, excellent work by maintenance and production staff, but also as a result of the professional and conscientious work by external parties such as Đuro Đaković, Ato, Siemens and Turbomehanika. The unfavorable hydrological situation also contributed to it. In the 38 years or 178,700 operating hours, Plomin 1 generated as much as 16,229 GWh of electricity, consuming almost eight million tons of coal and about 20 tons of extra light fuel oil. In this year, the operating availability of Unit I was 84.47 percent and time availability was 85.65 percent. Coal and extra light fuel oil consumption was 300 thousand tons and 400 tons, respectively. Repair of failures took 593 hours and overhauls took 564 hours, and there were 16 synchronizations.