IEEE – the largest Association of Electrical and Electronic Engineers in the world placed the memorial plague on the remains of the former Krka Hydropower Plant
'Krka-Šibenik Electric Power System, 1895 On 28 August 1895 electricity generated at this location was transmitted to the city of Šibenik, where six power transformers supplied a large number of street lamps. This early system of power generation, transmission and distribution was one of the first complete multiphase alternating current systems in the world and it remained in operation unitl World War I.' Memorial plaques in Croatian and English languages placed on the remains of the former Krka Hydropower Plant were unveiled by Peter Staecker, the President of IEEE along with Martin Bastiaans, the President of the IEEE Region 8 (including Croatia) and Marko Delimar, the IEEE Secretary. Mr Staecker thanked HEP and emphasized that a special flag of the Organization he was presiding over had been raised for this particular occasion. The IEEE Milestone In Electrical Engineering And Computing memorial plaque at the location of Krka Hydropower Plant was placed with the consent of HEP, the Ministry of Culture, National Park Krka and the Šupuk family. Dražen Šupuk, a great-grandson of the knight Ante Šupuk, the Mayor of Šibenik who financially supported the initiative of Vjekoslav noble Meichsner and his own son Marko to accomplish the genius of Tesla's system of alternating current at the location of Skradinski buk, gave an interesting speech. Tomislav Šerić, the President of the Management Board of HEP d.d. reminded that the century-long coexistence between the nature and hydropower plants started at this very site with first installed power kilowatts. The event on the site of Skradinski buk was organized by the IEEE Croatian section (the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) following the official part of the four-day long International IEEE EUROCON 2013 Conference, which was held in Zagreb, Croatia for the first time.