Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor, in the presence of several ministers and a number of other high-level guests, put the Lešće hydro power plant in trial operation yesterday – the first hydroelectric project in the independent Croatia.
“ I would give credit to the Management Board and all employees of HEP, not only for this project but also for their efforts to settle all unpaid liabilities to suppliers which just a few months ago amounted to almost 1.8 billion kuna. This has made it possible to keep the price of electricity at the same level to the end of this year, which is a big support to the economy and other consumers in these hard times. The Government will continue to support the construction of new projects which will enable Croatia to achieve energy self-sufficiency”, said Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor putting the Lešće in trial operation. Leo Begović, president of HEP’s Management Board, announced that this year HEP would put into operation another two significant power projects – a new unit at TE.TO Zagreb and the Ernestinovo-Pecs transmission line. “With the aim of meeting the needs from our own sources, HEP has been preparing at an accelerated pace a number of new projects in accordance with the Conclusion on the Determination of Priorities of Construction of Electric Power Projects, adopted by the Government earlier this year”, said Mr. Begović. The audience was also addressed by the prefect of the Karlovac County, Ivan Vučić and Darinko Bago, president of Management Board of Končar Elektroindustrija did. The capacity of the Lešće HPP is 42 MW and the yearly output will be 98 GWh of electricity on average. Its construction cost about 700 million kuna. The hydro power plant is especially important for the Croatian electricity system as it will produce peak electricity in periods when electricity is most needed and most expensive on the market. Yesterday’s event was held in the sign of a double jubilee of HEP: the 115th anniversary of the beginning of the operation of the first integral electricity system on Croatian soil and the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Public Enterprise, present-day Hrvatska Elektroprivreda.