Today on 31 May, in the Westin Hotel in Zagreb, 10th International Conference on Live Maintenance ICOLIM 2011 was opened under auspices of the Ministry of Labour, Economy and Entrepreneurship and in the organization of Hrvatska elektroprivreda and Live Work Association.
This three-day long conference gathers 440 participants from 27 countries. Fifty six papers will be presented on the first two days. Practical live work will be demonstrated on the third day in 400/220/110 kV Žerjavinec Substation near Zagreb.
At the opening ceremony the participants were addressed by Darko Vidović, Chairman of ICOLIM's Organization Committee and LWA Steering Committee; Cliff Divine, representative of Quanta Services, the gold sponsor of ICOLIM; Leo Begović, President of the Management Board of HEP d.d. and Darko Horvat, the Head of the Energy Department at the Ministry of Labour, Economy and Entrepreneurship and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of HEP d.d.
Speakers-hosts have expressed their satisfaction with Croatia and its national electric power company being the host to respectable European and world live work experts as well as with the Conference being held in Zagreb, the city which today celebrates its Day.
Extending wishes for successful work and exchange of experiences and achievements in live maintenance between the two conferences, hope that all the participants from all parts of Europe as well as from distant countries such as Australia, Canada and USA will find Croatia a pleasant stay, was also expressed.