The Supervisory Board of Hrvatska Elektroprivreda d.d., at a meeting held on March 18, appointed Stjepan Tvrdinić member of the Management Board of HEP d.d. for the next four-year term.
Stjepan Tvrdinić is a graduate security and work safety engineer, currently finishing his postgraduate study in Business Systems Management, program courses in Corporate Governance, at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics in Varaždin. From 1981 Mr. Tvrdinić worked in Elektra Karlovac and from 2004 to being appointed member of the Management Board he was coordinator of corporate security and work safety for HEP Group. From 1991 he was a volunteer of the Homeland War. He is one of the founders of the Association of Homeland War Veterans of HEP and served as its president for two terms. He was also for two terms president of the Federation of Homeland War Veterans of Croatian Public Enterprises.