Following the conducted tender, the new visual identity of the future Croatian Transmission System Operator (HOPS) was adopted.
Within the process of harmonization of the energy legislation with the European acquis, one of the numerous activities facing the Republic of Croatia is the restructuring of HEP group operations pursuant to provisions of the EU Directives and Council no. 2009/72/EC by unbundling the existing HEP-Transmission System Operator d.o.o. currently operating within HEP group from other companies within HEP group. This process includes a mandatory complete separation of its visual identity from the visual identity of Hrvatska elektroprivreda d.d. and its other daughter companies.
Pursuant to Article 73, paragraph 6 of the Electricity Market Act ('Official Gazette' 22/2013), HEP-Transmission System Operator d.o.o. shall change its name into the Croatian Transmission System Operator d.o.o. or 'HOPS' for short. In line with these provisions, the competition for designing the visual identity of the Croatian Transmission System Operator ('HOPS') was conducted.
There was a total of 34 bids containing 50 designs. In line with the decision made by the Visual Identity Design Assessment Committee and the consent obtained from the managing director of HEP-Transmission System Operator d.o.o., tender results were announced. The best design was awarded to BBDO Zagreb d.o.o. at Šoštarićeva 10 Zagreb, while the second and third place were awarded to NEO STUDIO d.o.o., at Republike Austrije 9 and INNOVO DDB d.o.o. from Gajeva 36 in Zagreb. As it is visible from the very design, the best visual identity for the Croatian Transmission System Operator is based on the schematic view of a three-phase alternating current system. It contains colours of the Croatian flag (red, blue and white) as well as green which symbolizes green energy. Three sine waves, shifted in a phase by a third period and extended to the left and the right from the central logo, suggest the Croatian wattle.